How Frequently Should Fire Alarms Be Tested at Your Workplace?

Your Guide To Workplace Fire Alarm Testing

Fire alarms are one of the most crucial tools for workplace safety and should be implemented across all sectors. Fire alarms are often the first line of defence against emergencies as they will alert workplaces to the first sign of fire – if they are properly maintained.

This is why workplace fire alarm testing is so important and needs to be regularly implemented at your business. Failure to test fire alarms can leave you exposed and cause damage or even a threat to life across the premises.

Running a business can be difficult, as there are a lot of tasks to get done – and for some, fire alarm testing is just another one. But this should be a priority for managers and site owners, which is why we are sharing this guide to workplace fire alarm testing.

With our recommendations and information, it will be easier to keep on top of fire alarm testing in the workplace and ensure you are playing an active role in workplace safety.

Why Workplace Fire Alarm Testing Matters

As we have mentioned, fire alarms are often the first line of defence when it comes to fire outbreaks as long as they are fully functional. This makes them incredibly important for workplace fire safety and the protection of your property, staff and assets as a whole.

However, this is not the only reason why fire alarms are so important and need to be kept in prime working condition. Additional benefits to regular workplace fire alarm testing include:

  • Compliance with UK regulations: Various areas of UK law mandate specific fire alarm testing procedures for workplaces and require regular testing. Failing to comply can lead to fines or even criminal charges – you can learn more through our full guide here.
  • Longevity of systems: Regular testing ensures that any repairs needed to fire alarm systems get done on time, cutting down costs and hassle for complete replacements.
  • Safe evacuations during emergencies: Performing regular fire alarm testing ensures that alarms operate as they should and will give you enough time to evacuate during an emergency.

How Often Should I Test My Workplace Fire Alarms?

Now that you understand the importance of workplace fire alarm testing, it is time to implement it into your regular schedule. There are several different ways that fire alarms can be tested and the frequency of this can vary.

As a general guide, Full Circuit Fire & Security recommend the following:

Weekly Alarm Test

Conducting workplace fire alarm testing every week will ensure they your alarms are functioning as intended and are in sufficient working order.

How To Do: Trigger each alarm to ensure that it sounds and that the control panel receives the correct signal based on these triggers.

Monthly Visual Inspection

Every month, perform a visual inspection of the fire alarms and the control panel, with a primary focus on the control panel. If you do notice any issues within the control panel, it is recommended to call out fire alarm professionals immediately. Getting these issues resolved is essential for your safety.

How To Do: Inspect the control panel to see if there are any signs of damage, wear or tear that need to be addressed.

Quarterly Inspections

For quarterly or seasonal workplace fire alarm testing, it is recommended to work with a qualified fire alarm engineer as this is a complicated process.

During these quarterly inspections, an engineer will perform a throughout inspection of the alarms, including detectors, call points, sounds, and control equipment.

How To Do: Every three months, call an engineer, such as those at Full Circuit Fire & Security to perform this inspection.

Annual Inspection and Service

Fire alarms should get a full service and inspection every year to ensure they are still in line with the current regulations. This is a complex process, done by fire alarm engineers and will cover all areas of the fire alarms.

During this workplace fire alarm testing, engineers will test all smoke detectors, check the logbook, review any issues you may have and make necessary adjustments or repairs.

How To Do: Book your annual inspection with professional fire alarm engineers ahead of time, and set up a schedule with our team.

Additional Tips For Workplace Fire Alarm Testing

Along with performing these workplace fire alarm testing sessions, there are other practices that you can uphold to support ongoing fire safety across your company:

1) Promptly Address Faults and Issues

If any issues arise during your workplace fire alarm testing, these must be addressed as soon as possible. Whether these issues are noticed during independent testing or in your annual service done by an engineer, getting the recommended repairs done is vital for your safety.

2) Accurate Record Keeping
Records of fire alarm testing, maintenance and installations should be accurate and easily accessible at all times. They will be assessed during official inspections and must include:

  • The date, time, and nature of fire alarm testing
  • Any faults identified
  • Any remedial actions taken to repair or manage these issues

3) Ongoing Employee Training

Employees play a key role in maintaining fire safety, which is why ongoing training should be part of standard workplace operations.

Ensure you are delivering regular training sessions to ensure all staff are familiar with the fire alarm schedule as well as how they should behave during a fire drill. You should also include training regarding emergency exits, evacuation plans and meeting points.


Workplace fire alarm testing is not just a one-off process. Fire alarms are an integral element of workplace safety and should be kept in prime working order to protect your workplace.

Regular testing and maintenance of fire alarms is essential to maintaining high standards of workplace safety.

Contact Us Today

Whether you are looking for workplace fire alarm testing, additional maintenance or support, Full Circuit Fire & Security are here to help. Contact the team today to get started.

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