What Type of Access Control is Currently Most Popular for Businesses?

The 5 Best Access Control Systems

When considering security systems for your business, access control needs to be at the top of the list. Whether you are starting fresh or simply need an upgrade, access control systems are one of the most valuable tools for your organisation, as they prevent unauthorised entry.

Access control, also known as door entry, allows you to control who can enter or exit your building. This can be used at the main entrance points, as well as across key areas of the business such as data storage or staffrooms to limit access to only authorised personnel.

With the rapid evolution of technology, access control has come a long way in recent years and continues to be upgraded to meet modern requirements. If you are just starting with this particular security measure, you may not know which is your best option.

Full Circuit Fire & Security has been providing access control security systems for decades and witnessed the evolution of access control first-hand. We continue to deliver the best security solutions to our clients and want to ensure that all premises are protected to the highest standards. This is why we are exploring the best access control systems available today and helping you make the best decision for your business.

Why Access Control Still Matters In Today’s Business World

Access control continues to be one of the most valuable security tools for businesses, organisations and commercial sites alike. Although technology has come a long way, and this has improved the way access control operates, the main purpose remains – controlling who enters the building.

Whether you are running a doctor’s office, a retail space, or a corporate office, access control is invaluable in today’s market. You need to be able to manage who enters the space and how much access they have to your assets, information and staff. Access control is becoming more advanced, allowing for higher levels of control to meet all requirements.

Suitable for the smallest offices to the largest warehouses, access control systems provide a range of benefits such as:

  • Enhance workplace safety by limiting access to only authorised personnel
  • Improve accountability of staff, managers and occupants by tracking their entry, exit and access to other areas around the premises
  • Save costs through automatic processes such as remote monitoring and access
  • Ensure compliance with current security regulations and laws

With such a vast array of benefits, it makes sense why businesses across all industries are still relying heavily on access control.

The 5 Best Access Control Systems

Access control comes in many forms these days, ensuring there is a system to suit your business site and requirements.

To help you find the best option for your specific needs, and ensure your site is compliant with the current regulations, let’s have a look at some of the most popular access control systems to date:

1) Biometric Access Control

Biometric systems are a highly popular access control system due to the advanced technology used, which provides higher levels of security than traditional systems. Biometric data, such as fingerprints, retina scanners, or voice control, are used to allow access into the building or sensitive areas.

By using the unique, biological characteristics of approved individuals, businesses can experience better protection than ever before as these are almost impossible to replicate. This ensures that you can maintain access to only authorised people and prevent the loss, theft or transference of key cards or passwords used in traditional systems.

Biometric access control is also very convenient, both for the business managers and employees using it. The process is swift and streamlined, allowing for better time management and productivity without risking your security. Data can be stored within the system, as long as it is encrypted to fit with data protection laws.

2) Card-Based Access Control

A popular access control option for large organisations such as educational facilities or healthcare premises, card-based access control has been a long-time favourite for many businesses. This is a highly convenient and accessible form of access control, that requires individual pass cards to be given to authorised personnel.

Upon entering the building or protected areas, this access card will need to be swiped or read by the monitor before doors are opened. As this popular access control system relies on physical verification, it is easily integrated into most businesses. It is also one of the most affordable options, which is why it continues to be popular.
Various levels of permission can be encoded onto the cards or key fobs, allowing for multi-layered access within the same building. This can be controlled in-house or through the main security company, based on your requirements.

When using card-based access control, it is vital that you emphasise the individual responsibility employees have for the security of the building, as they need to maintain their own key cards and keep them safe.

3) Mobile Access Control

With the advent of smartphones and mobile technology, it makes sense that one of the popular access control options has also gone mobile. Being able to control and track access remotely, such as through Bluetooth, smartphones, or wearable technology, is very useful for business managers.

It is also a convenient process for employees, who likely all have smartphones and can use this to enter or exit the building when needed.

This popular access control is on the rise across various industries as it is a cost-effective solution. By using technology that already exists and is present across the company, like smartphones, there is no need for additional access to equipment making this an affordable option for many businesses. Likewise, mobile access control is also easy to integrate into your premises because of this instant accessibility.

Mobile systems are a particularly popular access control solution for tech-savvy businesses or organisations or at premises where employees need flexible options.

4) Cloud-Based Access Control

These popular access control systems are transforming how many businesses handle their security as it is based remotely. Unlike traditional on-site access control systems, Cloud-based systems are managed remotely through the cloud, which means managers no longer have to be present to adjust, control or track entry rights of employees.

This is very useful for businesses with multiple locations, as it offers real-time monitoring and response without needing a physical presence.

By leveraging cloud technology, these popular access control systems also have lower overhead IT costs compared to other systems. This can allow for a quick integration even across multiple premises, as well as a seamless connection with other programs such as HR or visitor management tools for complete access control.

5) Keyless Access Control

Keyless access systems, such as keypads and proximity readers, continue to be popular access control systems despite ongoing technological advances. If you are looking for a robust, yet simplistic security system, then keyless access control is the best solution.

These systems are very easy to use, as employees simply have to enter a code to gain entry. Without relying on physical cards or keys, there is a reduced risk of unauthorised entry when using keyless access control because nothing can be stolen or lost. Employees should be made aware of any changes to the entry code, and ensure to not share this code with anyone outside of the company.

Although these access control systems are not as advanced as others available today, they continue to be a popular option for small to medium businesses because it is simple, cost-effective and easy to use – making them useful for employees of all ages and abilities.

What Is The Best Access Control System For My Business?

With this list of five of the best access control systems today, you can see what other businesses are doing. This can inspire you and help you narrow down your options when choosing the ideal access control system for your premises.

As well as looking at what other companies are doing, you may also want to consider the following to narrow down your options:

  • Budget: How much you can spend on access control, including the installation, integration and maintenance of systems, needs to be considered
  • Scalability: How much you can adjust access control, such as how many entrance points can be covered at once, will determine whether a system is the best choice for you
  • Industry Requirements: The security regulations, as well as any health and safety requirements, of your specific industry, can narrow down your options for access control as it will need to fall in line with this
  • Usability: It is vital that your chosen access control system can be used effectively by your employees
  • Integration With Other Measures: Whether access control can integrate with other security measures across your premises, such as CCTV or alarms, should be considered.


Access control continues to be one of the most valuable security tools for businesses, as it limits who can enter the premises and makes monitoring activity easier. There are many options for access control these days, thanks to the ongoing technological advances in the industry.

By highlighting the five best access control systems for businesses today, Full Circuit Fire & Security hopes to have armed you with the best knowledge to improve your business operations. Understanding your options and how these apply to your requirements cna ensure you are experiencing the best in business security.

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To learn more about access control or to request a consultation for installation, reach out to the team today.

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